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Meet Lubangakene Godfrey, LSCS Head Teacher & PTC graduate

 "It was only possible by Christ alone"

The sickness of sin is something no one can overcome on their own. Only through the power of God and through His mercy can we be delivered from our sins. God’s written word is an important part of our healing process spiritually and physically. God seeks to heal us spiritually by washing away our sins. He sent His word to guide us through anything we might face in this life. This includes comforting us through physical sickness, giving us strength to keep going, and in some cases, healing our bodies completely for His glory. 

Living Stones Christian School Head Teacher, Lubangakene Godfrey, experienced God’s spiritual and physical healing at a young age, and when he was about 10 years old, he gave his life to Jesus. Growing up, he struggled with sickness and attacks from the enemy. He could not eat any form of red meat. If he did, his body would have a physical reaction including swelling. When this happened, his parents would rush him to the hospital.

“They tried all possible ways to help me and other ways that was not directly from God, but it was not possible,” Godfrey said. 

Also, during the night, he could not sleep because of frequent nightmares. The frightening things he saw in his mind made him feel miserable.  Around the age of 10, when he was in Primary 5, he was taken to a gathering in the city of Gulu where he heard the message of Jesus Christ for the first time. Godfrey was tired of his condition, and after listening to the preaching of the gospel, he surrendered his life to Jesus.

“I heard about Jesus being a deliverer, and looking at my condition, it was beyond my control. My parents sought help from so many different people and different organizations, and they could not help me,” he said. “I had to give my life to Jesus, and from that time, Jesus delivered me from that attack from the devil. I was really oppressed by the enemy, but Jesus delivered me and healed me. That’s why I decided to trust in Him and serve Him up to now.”

Godfrey saw the grace of God and responded in faith, trusting that God would deliver him and save him from his sins. The physical healing that he experienced also led many others to make the decision to follow Christ.

“It was a real miracle. That’s why my mother gave her life to Jesus that very day. Her faith really grew stronger because she tried all possible ways to make me well, but it was not possible by our strength. It was only possible by Christ alone,” Godfrey said.

His father and siblings also surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ when they saw that Godfrey’s condition was healed through the power of God. This experience motivated Godfrey to serve God for the rest of his life at all costs.

Godfrey received his primary education and secondary education in Gulu. Then he received Advanced Level Education from St. John Paul II College and earned a bachelor’s degree in business education from Gulu University. Around 2019, Godfrey heard about the Pastor Training Center (PTC) program offered at Abaana’s Hope. He was excited to hear about the opportunity to gain wisdom, Biblical knowledge, and pastor training, which would allow him to become a better minister to others and to effectively teach others about the Word of God. 

He went through the interview process and was enrolled in the first cohort of the PTC program in 2019. After three years of learning and studying, he graduated in May 2022. Since graduating, he’s continued to help current PTC students understand Biblical truth, and he is applying what he learned at Living Stones Christian School (LSCS).

In 2022, Godfrey became the Head Teacher of LSCS at Abaana’s Hope, which serves over 300 students in Primary 1 up to Primary 6 and provides jobs for 16 teachers. In this administrative role, he keeps the school running effectively and teaches Bible truth in all the classes. The leadership skills he learned from the PTC helped him to make improvements to the school and help the children learn more.

“I have a passion to help serve all levels. I was not merely looking at the position itself as an educator, but I wanted to serve God and be a good steward for the Lord,” Godfrey said.

Living Stones Christian School began in 2016 with two preschool classes for students aged 4 and 5. Enrollment has grown from 35 to 370 students, and a grade level has been added every year up to Primary 6. In 2025, Four Corners Ministries plans to add another grade, Primary 7, which is the highest level of primary school in Uganda. The school is unique compared to the other schools in Uganda because it provides affordable, quality education from a Christian worldview.

“Here as much as we are teaching them mathematics, science, and English, we are also keeping in mind our priority, which is teaching the children to know that they are in desperate need for the savior Jesus Christ,” Godfrey said. “By teaching them Bible truth, by teaching them with Biblical curriculum, we are able to help them to grow spiritually. In other schools, they do not have that opportunity.” 

Through LSCS, Godfrey also goes into the community with the students to do charitable work and to share the gospel. He hopes to encourage the children to be a witness and a light to others. At the beginning of May, Godfrey and the other teachers were planning, preparing and organizing learning materials for the start of school as students are returning to class at LSCS.

“We are so thankful to all the donors who are supporting, those who are giving, to help the school and the ministry here at Abaana’s Hope,” Godfrey said. “Many lives are getting transformed in community through preaching of the gospel, through sharing Christ, through modeling Christ, and through the support you are giving. It is not in vain because lives are getting transformed for the glory of God.”

By Lauren Johnson     

May 2024     


"Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He sent out his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind," Psalm 107:19-21.

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