Sorry, we are not having summer interns for 2025.
The Abaana’s Hope internship provides young adults the opportunity to serve alongside our missionaries in Northern Uganda for two months. As an AH intern you will be immersed in all aspects of our ministry, engaging daily with our Acholi friends, sharing the gospel, and using your own personal gifts to help support the ministries at Abaana’s Hope.
The Four Corners Internship Program provides applicants the opportunity to be involved in serving unreached and under-equipped hard-to-reach people groups. Every year interns with various gifts and abilities are encouraged to apply to the internship program, interns will be utilized in various capacities, including serving our Child Development Program, Women’s Refuge Center, Living Stones Christian School, Life Beads, agriculture projects, and serving our missionary families. Don’t miss this opportunity to be a witness of our Lord Jesus to the ends of the earth!
College Students: Check with your university to see if you can receive class credit for your internship. Interning with Four Corners can provide a boost to anyone’s resume!
" The Lord did amazing work in Uganda even during the relatively short time I was there. Many people's lives were completely changed by the gospel which is always a beautiful thing. What I came to understand more clearly was that even after being saved by the work of Christ, we continue to be changed every day following Him. Through serving, teaching, playing, speaking, listening, encouraging, and worshipping with these people, God showed me His universal love for all tribes and peoples and languages. By living life with God's people in Uganda, I was shown just how beautiful a scene it will be standing before the throne of heaven."
Corrin Fortenberry
Summer Intern 2024
"The opportunity I was given to intern at Abaana’s Hope and work in the kitchen truly transformed the way I think of God’s love for the nations and his work among the Acholi. Community outreaches helped me see the importance of knowing the Word and speaking life to fellow women in difficult situations. Working in the kitchen taught me patience. Spending time with the missionaries and fellow interns taught me about the importance of community created the way God intended it and how to strive towards that. I’m so thankful for my time in Uganda and will never forget what God is doing among my Acholi friends there!"
Lydia Merchant
Summer Intern 2024
"Being there in Uganda and serving among the Acholi people made me realize that I have been so blessed. During the time I was there I taught a discipleship class and the Gospel of Christ to the farmers. Believe me when I tell you that the Acholi people have taught me much more than what I taught them. Sometimes we think we are there to be a blessing for others, but this time they were one of the greatest blessings in my life. I will leave a verse right here that can explain every single aspect of what I learned from the time I was there." For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not" - 2 Corinthians 8:12
Luis Huerta
Summer Intern 2024
"It is truly impossible to describe what all the Lord taught me through the Acholi people and my time in Uganda. The Holy Spirit revealed Himself and His goodness through these precious people in ways that I am so undeserving to experience. I went to Uganda preparing to serve and do my best to pour into the Acholi people. Leaving, I can confidently say the impact they had on my heart is far greater than the impact I left. They teach you what humility looks like, and they demonstrate what joy undefined by circumstances looks like. They are vulnerable, selfless, honest, and welcoming. They showed me the heart of the Lord. There is something so unexplainably special about sitting in your need for Jesus together as humans, despite the difference in culture or language. There were many days I would walk around overwhelmed with joy and gratitude that the Lord had allowed me to be there. This past summer was healing, life giving, and evidence of God’s grace. This is something that I will cherish and carry with me until the end of my life. "
Karsyn Whaley
Summer Intern 2023
"Having the opportunity to go to Uganda and serve among the Acholi people was truly an honor and a privilege. I worked primarily with the church and the Pastor Training Center, where I was able to connect with the Acholi people and discuss Scripture, teach, and have the opportunity to discuss gospel clarity and the significance of it. I was able to build lasting relationships with the Acholi people that I will cherish forever. God has given us the privilege to be a part of the Great Commission and proclaim His word among the nations, and me having the opportunity to take advantage of this privilege in Uganda is an experience I will never forget"
Jake Ham
Summer Intern 2022
"Trying to capture the magnitude of God's work at Abaana’s Hope in only at few sentences feels impossible. The words I would use to describe it just don’t do it justice - the experience was truly life changing. Rather than listing all the reasons why being an intern was the greatest most humbling experience of my life, I encourage you to go, and see for yourself. Be apart of what God is doing around the world."
Mary Kathryn Brake
Summer Intern 2022
"My summer in Uganda changed my life! I learned about the importance of discipleship and deep relationships in the way that we reach others. The Acholi women taught me about hard work, hospitality and the grace and sovereignty of the Lord. The life beads women became my best friends and made me laugh till I cried! If you are interested in using your summers for the Lord's glory, consider going with Four Corners. You will fall in love with Abanaa's Hope and the Acholi people!"
Hannah Shaw
Summer Intern 2021
"My time in Uganda brought me such joy through the incredible privilege of developing relationships with the missionary families and the Acholi people. During my summer, I was able to work with the CDP staff, getting the chance to love and serve the various families. God was continually faithful in providing opportunities to go into the community, share scripture with the local people, encourage families, and mentor a local girl. Daily he reminded me of His grace towards me and His deep love for the nations, slowly crafting my heart to be more like His"
Sarah Lunceford
Summer Intern 2021
Once you submit your application and are approved, you will pay a $500.00 deposit to secure your spot. You will then receive detailed information on the internship program. Please understand that this internship program is competitive because there is limited space. The internship program is a two month summer internship only.
The estimated fee for a 60-day internship is $5,200.
They cover the following expenses:
Each intern will be assigned to at least one ministry they are passionate about, but everyone will have been involved with all aspects of Abaana's Hope by the end of the program.
The outreach includes, but is not limited to:
You will also help with hospitality, which includes serving as well as facilitating short-term teams. We desire that you’ll be encouraged to experience more of the Father’s love in your life through worship, Bible study and encouragement. We have seen many people leave with a passion to discover the unique purpose God has for their lives.
The Abaana’s Hope internship has been created to provide you an opportunity to partner with us and help fulfill the mission we’ve been entrusted with. You also get the chance to set yourself apart for two months to discover who you are and what you were created to do.
100% of the admin overhead for general operations are covered by income from our thrift stores and general fund donations.
FCM is a debt free non-profit organization
501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
IRS guidelines state that contributions are solicited with the understanding that Four Corners Ministries has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. It is Four Corners Ministries practice to honor the designation of the donor.