was born in Kinene in 1974 and was one of ten children and was only able to complete P2 (2nd grade). She married in 1989 and had four children. They had to leave their home the first time in 1992 and went to Unyama IDP Camp. Her husband was killed, leaving her a widow with four children. She married her husband’s brother, as was the custom. In 1994, her mother was killed between Gulu and Kinene, returning from a trip to town for food. In 1996, her brother and one of her sons were captured from Unyama Camp and killed by the rebels. She was captured and severely beaten by the rebels and left to die. She was able to walk back to the camp, and her husband then moved them to a large IDP camp in Gulu. She had five children by her second husband. One died from malaria and one from an accident while in the IDP camp. Her second husband died in 2010. She left the camp and returned to her husband’s land. One of his brothers chased her away so she returned to her mother’s land in Kinene. She is now caring for her widowed sister’s two children and for two of her children remaining at home. She is working to provide school fees for them through the jewelry program at Abaana’s Hope.