Akello Beatrice

Akello Beatrice

AKELLO BEATRICE was born in a town called Kitgum. Her family moved to Gulu Town to escape the war that was raging at the time. Gulu is where she grew up and the place where her other siblings were born. She went to school some but stopped in Primary 7 when she got married and had her first child. Not long after being married she moved back to her mother's home with her baby and no husband. She remarried her current husband in 2012. They relocated to Kinene and she found a place at Life Beads in 2013. Beatrice has four children and praises God that because of Him and Life Beads she can pay for them to go to school. In addition to that, she is able to buy food and basic needs for family, take care of medical bills, and clothes for everyone. She even likes to hire help for someone to help her in her garden getting the ground ready instead of doing it herself all the time. She supports her mother as much as she is able and tries to send her money each payday. She is proud she doesn’t have to ask for support from her husband or family and feels like being able to provide by having her own job gives her a feeling of security. She is thankful to God for what He has done in her life and how Life Beads has been a place of learning and growth in Jesus.

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