AJOK STELLA was born in Omoro District close to Gulu Town as the 5th out of 9 children (5 boys and 4 girls). She had a good life growing up with not many challenges. During the time of war Stella’s family had to leave their home and stay in the IDP camp. The camp was overcrowded with people, so school and education were disturbed. She often feels bad that she didn’t get an education and wishes she would have been able to concentrate on her studies. With little hope of continuing in school she chose to get married. She and her husband now have had 7 children and sadly lost 2 of them. Of the 5 children remaining, 1 is sickly and often in need of much medical attention. Stella joined Life Beads in 2014, and the job has helped her family so much. Even her husband loves her job and how it benefits their family. Stella feels so encouraged because she is able to pay the many medical bills for her children (especially important for the child who is often sick and admitted to the hospital) as well as buy clothes and food for her family. She is grateful to have friends in Life Beads that add encouragement to her life through the Word of the Lord. Stella feels carefree and light when she is at work at Life Beads. She loves that the environment is not stressful and allows her to have fun, laugh and be encouraged all while working.
100% of the admin overhead for general operations are covered by income from our thrift stores and general fund donations.
FCM is a debt free non-profit organization
501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
IRS guidelines state that contributions are solicited with the understanding that Four Corners Ministries has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. It is Four Corners Ministries practice to honor the designation of the donor.